Admission Procedure

  • Registration will be held from January to March (Spring Intake) and August to September (Fall Intake) each year. All parents/guardians wishing to enrol their children must fill out an application (Registration Form), which will be followed by an admission aptitude test and interview (if needed). The assessment of the applicant is conducted for establishing his/her suitability for the grade applied for admission and academic talent necessary for the child to access the school’s program within the levels of support that are available. If the applicant fails to obtain required score (required for the grade he/she intended to seek admission) in the test, then he/she shall not be eligible for admission in any other grade as well.
  • The candidates who are declared successful will be issued admission forms.

The successful candidate must return duly filled admission form to the Admission

i. CNIC copy of Parent/Guardian.
ii. Certified copy of Birth Certificate/B form.
iii. Two 1×1 sized recent Photographs of the Applicant.
iv. School Leaving Certificate Original (only for migration admission).
Note: For migration admission, a record of the child’s Code of Conduct from the previous school may be requested if deemed necessary.

Admission aptitude test

Guidelines for the admission aptitude test are as follows:


Generally, the following parameters will be taken into consideration for the assessment of Pre-School candidates:
● Reading level of child
● Vocabulary
● Concepts of colours and numbers
● Confidence of child
● Level of spoken
● Motor skills (how child sits, walks and talks).

Class One Onwards

Applicants for class one onwards will be tested for four main subjects:
● English
● Urdu
● Mathematics
● Science (Class two onwards)
Students should be properly equipped with pencil, eraser, sharpener and clip board. The paper
will be of general nature designed to test the aptitude of the child in the basic subjects. Duration
for each paper will be approximately one hour and the students with at least 50% marks will be
considered pass. Admission will be on merit base & availability of seats.

School fees Policy

The policy of Dar-e-Arqam School to collect school fees and other charges is two pronged; to
ensure that parents timely pay all dues for a sustainable service delivery in the school and ii) to
support those families experiencing genuine inability to pay fees so that enrolment of their kids
may not be compromised in line with the mission and vision of our school. The school fees
collection policy is outlined below, and all Parents, Guardians and Students must follow it in
letter and spirit.

  1.  Admission Fee (Non-refundable) will be charged once from every new student at the time of admission. Security Fee (if applicable) is also payable only at the time of admission and is refundable at the time of withdrawal.
  2. The Annual Resource Charges will be paid annually by every student.
  3. There is five percent (5%) discount for full payment (one year) of tuition fee by July 10.
  4. The tuition fee shall be charged monthly in advance for all grades/classes, and tuition fee cut-off date is 10th o f every calendar month.
  5. If a monthly payment is not received by the due date as noted on the tuition fee bill, a late fee fine of Rs. 10 per day will be charged till the expiry of validity date of the bill (challan form), which is 20th of every month. After the expiry of validity date, the tuition fee bill will be considered invalid, and new fee bill will only be issued with an additional fine of Rs. 500/-per fee bill plus the late payment charges incurred till that day.
  6. The fee defaulters (students whose fees remain payable even after the expiry of Due/Validity Date) are issued periodic reminders followed by the Final Reminder, thereafter the student will not be permitted to attend class until the total amount due.
  7. Parents/Guardians habitually defaulting on fees payment have the risk of making their children liable to being struck off the school roll. The security deposit of students will be
  8. Re-applying will be treated as a fresh enrolment and processing of such application will be subject to the vacancy and clearance of all outstanding dues, penalty amount.
  9. Where a parent/guardian believes financial circumstances have arisen that will prevent or delay the payment of the school fee, a variety of options are available, such as
    1. Extension of Time
      If an extension is required, please contact the school Finance Manager prior to the due date.
    2. Payment Plans
      Payment of the school fee can be made by regular installments. All payment plans must ensure that the account is cleared by the last day of the academic session (year)or as negotiated with the Finance Manager.
    3. Fee Concessions
      In cases of financial hardship an application may be made for a fee concession.
      1. Concession applications are accepted at the commencement of each academic year or at any point initiated by the family. Concessions are issued for a maximum period of 12 months within a calendar year. Consideration for a subsequent 12-month period will require a new application.
      2. Fee concession application forms are available at the school office.
  10. Fee Bills will be issued latest by 28th of each month prior to the billing month and sent to home through students. It is the responsibility of the parents to inquire from the school’s office if they have not received the fee bill by the 5th of the billing month. All dues will be paid directly either in cash to the school’s office or to the schools specified branch(s) of a bank. The payment ‘due date’ and the fee bill ‘validity date’ is marked on the fee bill, and late fee will be collected by the school office/bank at the time of payment. The late payment charges will not be
  11. Admission Fee, Annual Resource Charges/ other charges are non-refundable under any circumstances. For students leaving in mid-month, balance payment of tuition fee is not refundable. No refunds for any payments will be made if student is suspended on disciplinary grounds or the student is found in breach of the student code of conduct, and parent /guardian will be liable for paying up any damages caused to the school property
  12. The school reserves the right to hold student’s transcripts, grade reports, school leaving and other certificates if the dues have not been cleared.
  13. All parents and guardians responsible for guaranteeing school dues payment will read and sign an undertaking for compliance with the school’s policies as outlined in the ‘Admission Pack’.
  14. Student seeking late enrolment in the school (after the commencement of the academic session) will be considered a fresh admission and shall be liable to pay all dues admissible under the school fee policy.
  15. Fees will be payable for the whole period in which extended leave by a student is taken.
  16. If parents intend to withdraw their child from the school, one-month prior written notice to the school office is mandatory. Alternatively, one-month fee will be charged on leaving school. Student is bound to return school belongings (text books, library books and all accessories etc.) in his possession before leaving the school. If any fees remain outstanding, it will be payable as per the normal payment terms. as determined by the school management. condoned or reduced in any circumstances.
  17. The security deposit will be refunded in full at the time of the ‘withdrawal’ of the student or request for School Leaving Certificate after completion of studies or otherwise provided that the student has paid all his/her dues and the school has no justifiable claim outstanding.
  18. The fee discount policy of the school is as follows
    1. 20% sibling discount is available to third child onwards of a family studying in the school.
    2. 50% discount is available to the children of the school staff i.e. teachers, administrative staff and the class 4 employees.
    3. A special discount of Rs 200/- per month is available to the child of any public/ private sector teacher.

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