Salient Features

Salient Features of Dar-e-Arqam Schools

Dar-e-Arqam Schools reflect the goods for this world & hereafter.
The teachers emphasizes on the personality development of the students besides providing meaningful education.
2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month are fixed for training workshop for in service and pre-posting teachers regularly.
Important wing of Department of Quranic studies offers this opportunity to talented students only.
These includes Sports Competition, Education Trips, Quiz Programs and Debates on different events.
In this age of aimless materialistic and secular approach towards education, Dar-e-Arqam is one of a few pioneer schools of formal education where you may witness quite comfortably, a sublime blend of high standard contemporary education with revealed moral and ethical ethos. This is our dream to equip our students with most modern education along with moral and spiritual training for making them useful citizens and true Muslims in their respective fields. Among traditional religious seminaries and contemporary formal education system, Dar-e-Arqam Schools reflect the goods of both worlds.
Well trained teachers are available to deal with & teach the kids in accordance with the prevailing teaching psychology and methods based on Audio Visual facilities. Air conditioned comfortable and congenial environment is provided to the kids.
The teachers emphasizes on the personality development of the students besides providing meaningful education. It is inculcated in the mind of students to develop Islamic manners and teachers are expected to present themselves as role model, an embodiment of morality, manner and style. Creativity based education is provided to the students. Dar-e-Arqam School system develops confidence, respect, honesty & courage in the students.
Nazra Quran

Learning of Nazra Quran is compulsory for all students. Training programs are arranged for Nazra teachers. The department of Quranic studies has a proper counter checking arrangement.

Unique Hifz Quran (Optional)

Hifz section is an important wing of Department of Quranic studies. Hifz section offers this opportunity to talented students only. Hifz work is got completed in routine school hours without physical punishment. Students are also kept in touch with formal education to some extent and after completion of Hifz they are shifted to the normal /formal education. Research and Development Department (R&D) makes proper arrangements of examinations for Hifz students along with other students of general education.

Hifz Workshops

Curriculum Development wing arranges Training Workshops for Hifz teachers to increase their ability.

2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month are fixed for training workshop for teachers. The training Workshops are arranged for in service and pre-posting teachers regularly. During summer vacations Dar-e-Arqam organize summer training programme and refresher courses for teachers. In this regard services of well qualified and experienced resource persons are acquired.
These are considered real back up of the curriculum plan. It includes sports competition and in this regard inter school competition is arranged on annual sports day. Education trips are arranged for students. The students are prepared to participate in Quiz programs, debates and competitions on different local, national and international events.
Curriculum Development wing plays a very vital role to stream line the academic programs. It assures the best curriculum methods of teaching, preparation of our own work books, central academic week plan, conduct of exams & manage training programs during the academic year.
Learning by creative writing is the key feature of our methodology of teaching. Our class one student can write an essay.
It arranges free courses for all to understand the “Deen” ensuring no sectarianism.
In order to have strong liaison between the teachers and parents, a Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meeting is held on last Saturday of every month wherein parents get feed back about their children. It also helps the teachers to discuss students problems with their parents.