
Chairman Dar-e-Arqam Schools

Professor Irfan Ahmad

Dar-e-Arqam School Pakistanis entrustment of Allah. We believe in providing a holistic education that nurtures not only the minds but also the hearts of our students. Our school is a place where Islamic values and teachings are woven seamlessly into the fabric of learning, fostering an environment of compassion, respect, and unity.

Our dedicated educators are not just teachers, but mentors who guide our students in their quest for knowledge and understanding. Through a balanced curriculum that blends academic excellence with the teachings of Islam, we aim to equip our students with the tools they need to succeed in this world and the Hereafter.

As a community, we celebrate the diversity that each student brings to our schools. We are committed to creating an inclusive space where every individual feels valued and supported in their educational journey. Our goal is to help our students develop a strong sense of identity, rooted in their faith and enriched by the knowledge they acquire.

Throughout the year, we offer various opportunities for spiritual growth, community service, and extracurricular activities that allow our students to explore their talents and passions while upholding the principles of Islam.

I encourage all students to approach their studies with dedication and enthusiasm, knowing that the pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor in Islam. May Allah (God) bless our efforts and guide us on this path of enlightenment. Together, let us strive for excellence in both this world and the Hereafter.

CEO's Dar-e-Arqam Schools

Iftikhar Cheema

Assalamu Alaikum and a warm welcome to Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan!
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I extend my heartfelt greetings to all of you through this message. As the CEO of Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan, I am honored to have the opportunity to share some thoughts and reflections with you on this platform.

Our journey as an educational institution guided by Islamic principles has been a remarkable one. At Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan, we are dedicated to nurturing not only the minds but also the hearts and souls of our students.

Our commitment to excellence in education goes hand in hand with our devotion to the teachings of Islam. We strive to create an environment where our students can grow academically, spiritually, and morally. It is our belief that by instilling Islamic values and ethics into their daily lives, we are preparing our students to be responsible, compassionate, and contributing members of society.

At Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan, we understand the importance of a well-rounded education. Our dedicated faculty and staff work tirelessly to provide a diverse range of academic, extracurricular, and religious programs that cater to the unique needs and talents of each student. We encourage our students to explore their passions, develop critical thinking skills, and become leaders who can make a positive impact on the world.

As CEO, I am committed to supporting our school’s mission of providing an enriching educational experience within an Islamic framework. We continuously strive for improvement and innovation in our teaching methods and facilities to ensure that our students have access to the best resources and opportunities.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated teachers, staff, and parents who work hand in hand with us to achieve our goals. Together, we form a strong and caring community that nurtures the growth and development of our students.

I also extend my gratitude to Allah (SWT) for His blessings and guidance, which have allowed Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan to thrive and prosper over the years. We seek His continued guidance and protection as we move forward on our educational journey.

In closing, I invite you to explore our website and learn more about the wonderful educational opportunities we offer here at Dar-e-Arqam Schools Pakistan. If you are already a part of our community, I thank you for your trust and support. If you are considering joining us, I welcome you with open arms and look forward to the possibility of working together to shape a brighter future for your child.
May Allah bless our endeavors and grant us success in all our noble pursuits.

General Manager Dar-e-Arqam Schools

Faizan Ullah Minhas

Dar-e-Arqam School is not just a place of academic learning; it is a haven where we come together to seek success in both this world and the Hereafter.

In the Quran, Allah reminds us that He has not created us aimlessly, but with purpose and intention. Our education is not confined to textbooks alone, but encompasses the teachings of our faith, the wisdom of our traditions, and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

As we strive for excellence in our studies, we should remember that true success transcends the confines of material achievements. While we prepare for careers and futures, we should also prepare our hearts to stand before our Creator, knowing that our deeds and intentions will be weighed in the balance.

The pursuit of knowledge is highly regarded in Islam. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” This knowledge is not limited to secular subjects; it encompasses the understanding of our religion, ethics, and the interplay between our faith and the world we live in.

As we work diligently in our studies, we should also remember the importance of compassion, integrity, and kindness. Strive to be the embodiment of the values our faith teaches us. Make a conscious effort to contribute positively to our school, our families, and the broader community.

Remember that success in the Hereafter is earned through sincere devotion, prayer, acts of charity, and being mindful of Allah in all that we do. Let your education be a means of uplifting your character and deepening your connection to Allah.

To our parents, your support and guidance are immeasurable gifts. Nurture your children’s faith, intellect, and character. Your efforts today shape the leaders and ambassadors of Islam for tomorrow.
May our Dar-e-Arqam community be a source of inspiration, knowledge, and unity that prepares us to excel in every facet of life and attain eternal success.

Tanzeer ul Hassan
is known for his services in education.

Iftikhar Ahmad Cheema
is known for his services in education.

Rana Ubaid-ur-Rehman
is known for his services in education.

Prof. Irfan Ahmad Chaudhry is a well-known Islamic scholar of Pakistan

Muyssar Ahmed
is known for his services in education.

Mian Izhar-ul-Haq
is known for his services in education.