About Us

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About Dar-e-Arqam Schools

Being submissive and humble to the will of Almighty ALLAH, we relate this institution to the very first educational centre of Islam, “Dar-e-Arqam” established at Hazrat Arqam Bin Arqam’s house in the plains of Koh-e-Safa by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) gets his believers gathered in a small house and laid the foundation of rich civilization that produced marvelous blessings and countless human role models.
In this age of aimless materialistic and secular approach towards education, Dar-e-Arqam is one of a few pioneer schools of formal education where you may witness quite comfortably, a sublime blend of high standard contemporary education with revealed moral and ethical ethos.


To provide our students, education of the highest quality, groom their personality and inculcate in them a sense of responsibility, confidence, commitment & dedication towards their society.


"Excellence in this world and the world hereafter."


Our goal is not to consider this our destination, we have just embarked on a long and tedious journey, where we see landmark achievements on our way.

Our Core Values